Tuesday, August 20, 2013

And so it goes

And so it goes

Sometimes things are not what they appear.  We have all heard this.  I suspect that everyone reading this blog has experienced this.  So here goes.

The Paducah Sun Editorial of August 20th, 2013, is a case in point, and I thought I might fill in a bit.  The Sun was correct in its assertion that Infiniti Media Group did make every payment, was given a grace period, and, alas, did not hire some 100 employees as promised.

Could the City have demanded the agreement be honored as to employment or throw Infinity into the street?  Of course, we could.  And with righteous indignation, we could have declared our right to do so.  We might have looked demonstrative in our action.  Sometimes, however, no action is the best action.  I think the taxpayers were well served by this “no action.” 

How so?  As the paper said, “They made their payments of nearly $34,000 per month.”  The payment was used to pay on the bonds that built the building, so we as taxpayers didn’t have to.  The building owner takes no equity with him as he leaves. 

Since there has been no company waiting in the wings, so to speak, to take over the Infinity building, is there anything wrong with allowing Infiniti to stay there and make their payments of $34,000 a month?  Not really, especially if, as the Sun said the city acknowledges that “companies should not be able to continue benefiting from incentives based on nothing more than promises repeated indefinitely.”  The key word here is “indefinitely.”

And, oh by the way, this “no action” was in place long before I arrived on the scene.

Sometimes things are not exactly as they appear.  And sometimes no action is the best action. 
And so it goes.