Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My Vote

I don’t know about you, but I think the cooler weather has invigorated me.  So here goes.

Tonight I vote on hiring BFW, a local company, and Ratio, an out-of- town company, to create an overall park and land use plan for the former Executive Inn site.  I have not gone soft, but I thought a bit of explanation might be in order.  It will come as no surprise that I have been critical of JJR and their Riverfront Development Plan.  Additionally, I was very critical of City Vision and their Renaissance Area Master Plan, a.k.a. RAMP.  You should also know that the RAMP was only “accepted” not “adopted” by the City of Paducah at the recommendation of the independent Planning Commission.  In other words, it isn’t part of the city’s Comprehensive Plan, the primary planning document. 

So what am I thinking about?  The old Executive Inn site, also known as the “debris field” or “scar,” is the last remaining piece of the riverfront not developed.  Maybe,I’m just trying to get this final piece correctly fitted into place, if you will.  Maybe I can find happiness with this last part of the puzzle.  Maybe the third time will be a charm.

I do think it is important to have a local face to lead the city in this endeavor, and Bacon Farmer and Workman will be that face.  Ratio is the firm that did the design work with the City of Indianapolis for the 2012 Super Bowl.  So, the skill set is there.

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